Moving, tomorrow / Finishing packing for the move, tonight. (-5)
Online coverage of SDCC, from various sources (Wizard, Newsarama). Makes me feel like I was there. Which I wasn't. And probably won't ever be, now. Don't get me wrong, I would love to GO to SDCC, but I'd rather have GONE to SDCC when it was still SDCC, and not the media shit-show that its become. Though the chance to see Johnny Drama raise high his mighty hand, and let loose his legendary battle cry (see video below) just might make me suck it up and go. (even)
A good friend's provision of the most insane time-waster of all time. Kudos. And damn you. (even)
Six month anniversary at 'work'. (-2)
Awarding of mucho paid time off, due to six month anniversary. (+4)
Edith Bowman still out on maternity leave. My mornings are suffering. Come back, dammit. (-3)
Chuck Klosterman's explication of the Kobe/Shaq feud/bullshit pr stunt. Thank heaven for Google Alerts. (+4)
Writing. And I mean just the act of it. If I were a short, green, 900-yr old, I would say "A renewed devotion, I have." No more procrastination. No more excuses. No more reasons to not. I'm coming for you, now. (+5)
This Week's Total: (+3)
Last Week's Total: (even)
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
(My) Internet Greatest Hits
Today, I look back at those internet stuffs that so occupied my thoughts, some time ago. In no particular order, here they are:
1. Rocketboom. I like Joanne Colan tons more than Amanda Congdon - but that's like saying you like Godfather II more than Godfather I. One cannot exist without the other.
2. The Show. Dude. Ze Frank. Haven't thought about this guy in ages. I actually forgot he even existed. Just goes to show that in a society where memory is swiftly being replaced by a badass search algorithm...wait...what was I saying?
3. Ok, ok, so I still do watch the brief from time to time. Mainly this is just because of cool gadget news and GoDaddy promo codes. Still - worth checking out, if you haven't already.
4. The single greatest index of all things pop, available on the interweb. I recall long days, clicking through virtually every link therein.
So there they are. Five of the greatest time wasters, from the past several years. Enjoy.
Monday, July 28, 2008
A Tale Told By An _______, Signifying _________
For you, in your cubicle --- yes, I said the "c-word".
Friday, July 25, 2008
Friday Music Special, July 25
"Pjanoo" - Eric Prydz
Yes. The same Eric Prydz that brought us the greatest music video of all time, with "Call On Me". Back now with a slick beat that earned Zane's "Hottest Record In The World", a few days back. So actually, it's already passé.
Yes. The same Eric Prydz that brought us the greatest music video of all time, with "Call On Me". Back now with a slick beat that earned Zane's "Hottest Record In The World", a few days back. So actually, it's already passé.
"Last Request" - Paolo Nutini
This song will forever remind me of Scotland, simply because it was the last song playing on the last night, as we walked out of the last pub in Fort William.
"What's Your Problem ?" - The Zutons
A simple question. A catchy riff. A song that will stick in your head like warm ramen-filled water balloons to car windshields.
"Basement Party" - The Cool Kids
It sounds exactly like you think it's going to. This is probably what DJ Jazzy Jeff was like in junior high. This is especially what DJ Jazzy Jeff would have been like if he had gone to junior high with Kid 'n Play.
"Gamma Ray" - Beck
New Beck is like old Beck. Good. Though Mr. Beck is starting to look like that dude from Blind Melon. That was a dude, right?
The Back Slap:
"Gold Rush" - Danny Byrd feat. Brookes Brothers
We started with dance. We'll end it with dance. Go forth and groove.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
A Tear To The Eye
Yes it's old. Yes you've probably already seen it. Still - every time I watch, listen, or sing along, it brings a wee tear to my eye. Enjoy.
Really. So much better than the Phil Collins version.
Really. So much better than the Phil Collins version.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Quality of Life Index, July 23
Inability to locate decent coffee in the UK. Nation of tea drinkers don't know what they're missing. Should try some Maui blend, then stop trying to convince me that whatever they've just served is indeed a "latte". (-3)
Bout of food poisoning at tail end of UK getaway. (-3)
Decisions made. Plans set into unstoppable motion. A palpable, prospective return to those fondly recalled days of living dangerously. (+6)
This Week's Total: (even)
Last Week's Total: (+5)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The Arnold That Was
Submitted for the approval of The Midnight Society is the following:
Like blowing air into it?
Aww. I'm putting it out there right now. Amend the constitution. Arnold in 08.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Back From The Front (redux)
Hey there, True Believers:
I am returned from a not-long-'nuff journey. Intoxicating as being back home in Boston is, equally daunting are the weeks ahead, during which I will:
- make efforts to shirk all responsibility, in favor of a return to my years of living dangerously
- aggressively court two specific graduate programs of study
- return to the continuum of training (yes, the one that I have neglected of late)
So what does it all mean?
I should either quote Michael Buffer, or I should just do like The Rock said (know my role, etc...)
Scottish photos and account to follow, demain.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Kilted Delights
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Quality of Life Index, July 9
All day "workshop". People presenting that don't have a clue how to present. Slides look they were drawn up by a high school freshmen. (-5)
This Week's Total: (+5)
Last Week's Total: (-9)
Coffee, for making more easily digestible, these ridiculously horrible slides. (+3)
Person currently presenting has no neck. (even)
Writing "Quality of Life Index" while sitting in all day "workshop". (+2)
Overly curious office neighbor repeatedly asks where I am. Complains that I don't leave notes. From now on, will deliver play by play of EVERY move I make, including bathroom breaks. And I drink a lot of coffee. (even)
Leaving tomorrow for Scottish Getaway 2008. At this rate, may never return. (+5)
This Week's Total: (+5)
Last Week's Total: (-9)
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
"Does America have any culture?", Chuck asks
It's no secret that the wisdom of/pop cornucopia that is Chuck Klosterman intrigues me. Not in the shitty "Oooh, I want his opinions." kind of way - but rather because CK vehemently argues in support of something I often advocate: American Culture.
In his most recent column for the otherwise useless Esquire, CK poses the question directly: "Does America have any culture?". It's a tricky thing to argue in just a few hundred words. I've sometimes dreamt of a dissertation that stems from this initial question. Until such time as I craft the abstract for that piece of text, read CK's article here.
Monday, July 07, 2008
It Came From The Kitchen.
Grendel. The name conjures up all manner of image. For those proponents of ye olde english epic, there are now in your heads furry-eyed monsters that come to kill you in the deep dark of night. For those others, pub-goers all, squarely in your mind's line of sight is that favorite haunt of the young men & women of Harvard: Grendel's Den.
On Friday last, oh my brothers and only friends, I found myself at that watering hole of Ivy-League lore - wanting naught but a drink, and some meat to wash it down. And so I sat. I drank my Scotch. I ate my burger and pasta. And I did all this with the comfort of a productive-as-shit day behind me, and a day off ahead.
On Friday last, oh my brothers and only friends, I found myself at that watering hole of Ivy-League lore - wanting naught but a drink, and some meat to wash it down. And so I sat. I drank my Scotch. I ate my burger and pasta. And I did all this with the comfort of a productive-as-shit day behind me, and a day off ahead.
The tiny grey visitor scuttled across the floor, behind my chair. What's this, I thought. It couldn't be what I assumed it was. A tiny verminous beast, perhaps the youngest cousin of the olde english monster of yesteryear?
My appetite was not-strangely gone.
Upon the bar-maiden's arrival (she came to remind me that she'd forgotten my latest dram), I commented to her that a strange and non-bipedal guest had visited the legs of my chair, likely in search of sustenance not found in the kitchen from whence it came. To this, the maiden replied:
"Umm. Yeah. A few people have told me that. I just don't know what I can do about it..."
And with that most unsuitable response, my most vaunted composure was terribly lost. Out, out, I cried in my head - the only outwardly visible sign of malcontent being the desire for a hastily acquired check, and a speedy retreat.
Fuck, man. I really liked Grendel's.

Friday, July 04, 2008
A Very Special Friday Music Special, July 4
In honor of the occasion, I submit for the approval of the Midnight Society the most severely mis-understood song to involve the letters 'Yoo', 'Ess' and 'Ey':
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Christian Bale Doesn't Like Kids In Tights

"Several weeks ago, rumors circled offline once again that Robin would appear in the sequel to The Dark Knight...According to StarPulse, Christian Bale not only considers Robin lame, he has threatened to remake The Machinist as a documentary if the character crosses his path…" (link)
With that, a minor crisis of faith in Nolan is averted. The only thing that could be worse, is if they tried adapting All-Star Batman for the screen. Or rehired Joel Schumacher. Either way, scary.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Quality of Life Index, July 2
Michael Turner passes away. Stylized comic book art loses a great talent, taken long before his time. (-10)
Ordered new coffee from Maui. It is (un)ironically named "Maui Coffee". Drink it black - because it tastes good like that. (+4)
Office suite-mate out for two weeks of vacation. I now sit in a big glass fishbowl, alone, and have neither tasks nor conversation reflective of my needs. (-6)
"Street Cleaning" going on outside my window. Sounds more like the noises the smoke monster makes on Lost - that is, metal scraping metal on a truck driving over broken glass while the driver runs his Freddy Krueger-like digits down a chalkboard of death. (-5)
Decision made not to move, at least until that job offer on Maui comes through. (even)
Eight days remaining before departure on Scottish Getaway 2008. (+3)
This Week's Total: (-9)
Last Week's Total: (+6)
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Rest in Peace, Friend

Michael Turner succumbed to his courageous battle with cancer on June 27th, at approximately 10:42 pm, in Santa Monica, CA.
He will be sorely missed.
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