Tuesday, October 17, 2006

News (Almost) Worth Noting

Crime-infested city goes pink

The crime-infested Indian city of Aurangabad is
being painted pink in the hope that an image makeover
will lift the sagging morale of residents who are
fed up with the decline in law and order.

This action comes after previous makeover plans,
including daisies being handed out on street corners
and smily-face stickers being attached to all traffic violations,
failed to lift the city's mood.

Four killed in pothole fight

Four people died and three were injured after an argument
over who should repair a pothole in a rural road in Mexico
erupted in to gunfire. Two of the wounded were listed in
serious condition at a local hospital, one with part of his jaw blown off.

Police said pistols, rifles and assault rifles were used
in the gun battle, which erupted between two families in the
mountain region of Pantelho.

Both families operate bus or truck services, and the
heavy vehicles wear down local roads. Road repairs, which are
often left to locals, are a sensitive issue.

In other news, a slap-fight erupted between soccer moms in Belmont, MA
over a similar issue.

Both are home, and listed as unforgivably stupid.

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