Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Quality of Life Index, December 10

Crazy New England weather that can't figure out if it's supposed to be frigid or just moderately unbearable. (-3)

Saturday Night Live's continuous ante-upping, due in no small part to Andy Samberg and Kristen Wiig. (+2)

SNL's steady under-utilization of Bill Hader's flawless impression of post-"Scarface" Al Pacino. What gives? (-2)

Fall semester is over. No classes until January 26. (even)

Zane Lowe's latest "Masterpieces" series. (+4)

First the parking garage at work was closed. Then it was open. Then the power went out. Then the staircase started crumbling, so THAT is closed. You'd think MIT would have a better plan than burning the bridge when they inevitably come to it. (-4)

The unnerving fact that this week's commute hasn't been that bad. (+4)

Having written the previous statement has undoubtedly doomed me to a winter of deathly highway delays and red lights galore. (even)

This Week's Total: (+1)
Last Week's Total: (+4)

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